Thursday, January 20, 2011

Working out

I have forgotten how good I feel after working out! I have been lazy and not worked out for a few months and it is starting to show on various parts of my body, so I decided that I would get back to it. 25 minutes a day is not too much of a commitment and it is do able! I of course have to figure out when is the best time of day for me to workout but I think that will be night time after the kids have gone to bed and I have time to myself. I have forgotten how the stress just rolls off of me and I can then take a shower and I fall asleep better. Why do I never remember these things when I am procrastinating a work out? Oh that is right, because it is so much easier to sit and watch tv instead. The iPad is helping me though because it is so much easier to read, watch a favorite show or movie, or play a game while on the treadmill with this amazing piece of technology! Yes, I am addicted to the iPad. Well, wish me luck that I stick to my new routine, it will help me not kill my kids while their Dad is gone for a little while! ;)

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