Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Let the craziness begin!

This part of the year is always crazy busy for us, and every year we chose to do this to ourselves so I am not complaining! I love it! The kids love it! We are starting two nights a week roller hockey for each boy (different days of course), one night a week and one game a week of basketball for Jonathan, two nights of practice and one game a week of basketball for Patrick, two days a week practice for baseball for both boys (thankfully together), once a week tumbling for Sami, once a week of guitar lessons for Sami, two nights a week TKD for Sami and Patrick, Sunday School for all three, and every school day basketball for Sami! We will be busy but the time while Pat is gone will fly by and the accomplishments will be great in this house! I love watching them participate in these activities and accomplish goals they set for themselves! Cheer for all the kiddos from where ever you are!

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