This last two days have been a lot of fun and painful. As a family we went to the Omaha Smyphony with the Cub Scouts. Pat and I have been there a few times and Pat loves it, I enjoy it but not as much as Pat. It is truly amazing to watch all the instruments combined together to make the beautiful music. This particular event was designed for kids to understand music and what it can do to you and for you, like inspire you to keep moving towards your dreams. The conductor, our favorite one, was immensly entertaining for the kids as well as the adults. Jonathan was a little antzy but Sami and Patrick really enjoyed it.
Pat is a Dallas Cowboy's fan and I am not, I will watch them and even cheer for them because of Pat. I however love Jared Allen on the Vikings team, and will cheer for him all the time. So yesterday the Vikings and the Cowboys played in a playoff game, of course we had to watch it, so we recorded it and after the Symphony we made it home to watch the game. It was a little painful for Pat to watch but I was happy in the end, the Vikings won, BIG TIME!
I went to the doctor to get meds for a sinus infection and found out I also had an ear infection. So off to the pharmacy I went to get antibiotics and allergy meds to see if that helps keep the infections away. I guess they don't like it too much when you have a sinus infection once a month. Now, like a good girl I took my antibiotics right away and then my allergey stuff later right before I went to bed. When I woke up in the morning I found that one side of my face was a little puffy, was more then the other side. Not enjoying this wonderful feeling, I have decided to not take the allergy meds for now and see how things go. Luckily things have calmed down a little and maybe by tomorrow I will not have any problems.
After this wonderful day of hanging out and not accomplishing anything but some laundry, we are getting back into the routine tomorrow. YEAH! School, work, tkd, basketball, baseball and PTA!
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